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Tariff zones

⚠ English translation of this page is currently not available. Stav k 1. 4. 2023 Pražská integrovaná doprava je rozdělena pro potřeby Tarifu PID na jednotlivá tarifní pásma. V Praze se nacházejí tarifní pásma P, 0 a B, ve Středočeském kraji (dále též „Regionu“) jsou tarifní pásma číslována od 1 výše a tvoří soustředné pomyslné […]

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Demand Transport PID Halo

PID Halo is a newly established pilot project of the so-called demand-response transport. It is the first implementation of demand-response transport in the Czech Republic under a public service obligation. The concept of demand-response transport does not work with fixed routes, timetables or times like conventional regular line transport. It allows for a completely dynamic […]

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PID Haló is a newly established pilot project of the so-called demand-response transport. It is the first implementation of demand-response transport in the Czech Republic under a public service obligation. The concept of demand-response transport does not work with fixed routes, timetables or times like conventional regular line transport. It allows for a completely dynamic […]

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How and where to buy tickets

The are many ways to buy tickets in Prague Integrated Transport system (PID). Where to buy short-term tickets up to 72 hours? Ticket machines at stops and in metro stations Ticket offices and information centers Ticket counters of the railway carrier České dráhy Trams, urban buses and trolleybuses Suburban/regional buses Trains Validating (stamping) the ticket […]

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PID mobile app

⚠ English translation of this page is currently not available. (všechny krátkodobé i předplatní jízdenky PID pro Prahu a Středočeský kraj snadno zakoupíte v mobilu) Když byly na počátku léta 2019 osazeny do všech pražských tramvají bezkontaktní terminály, které umožňují si zakoupit trojici základních jízdenek PID, setkalo se to s velkým ohlasem veřejnosti. I média informovala, že […]

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  Timetables – urban buses | Timetables – suburban buses | Transit maps | Live positions In Prague, urban buses operate round the clock and complement metro and tram routes. Suburban buses operate in the Central Bohemian region, but some serve the outskirts of Prague as well. Buses in Prague Daytime routes 100–299 operate between 5:00 and 24:00. Generally the peak hour headways are 10–20 minutes. Certain important bus […]

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⚠ A complete English translation of this page is currently not available.   Timetables | Transit maps | Live positions  Prague is connected with the Central Bohemian region by a network of commuter trains. These offer a quick way to travel not only across Prague’s borders, but within the city as well. Trains where PID fare applies are operating under S […]

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PID Opendata

⚠ English translation of this page is currently not available. Otevřená data jsou zpracovávána zejména pro datové analytiky a tvůrce dopravních aplikací. K dispozici jsou pravidelně aktualizované jízdní řády, online informace o polohách spojů, ale i statistické údaje o Pražské integrované dopravě. Kromě umístění zde jsou datové sady předávány též Institutu plánování a rozvoje, který […]

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Tickets and fare

Valid as of 10.12.2023 A simple solution for travelling around Prague The easiest way to travel around Prague is with a 24 hour or 72 hour ticket. It’s simple and hassle free! Just buy the ticket, stamp it when you first board a vehicle or enter a metro station and that’s it. What are the […]

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