Points of sale
List of selling points
Services -
Name | Address | Opening hours | Services | Payment options | Remarks | Link | |
Petřín | Lanovka na Petřín, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 9:00-23:30 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Újezd | Lanovka na Petřín, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 9:00-23:30 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nebozízek | Lanovka na Petřín, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Divoká Šárka | Vlastina, Liboc, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vlastina | Vlastina, Liboc, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Na Dědině | Vlastina, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ciolkovského | Vlastina, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Dědina | Drnovská, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Pasáž Sofie | Sofijské náměstí 3400, Modřany, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-20:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Uno | Štěchovická, Strašnice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-22:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Psychiatrická nemocnice Bohnice | Ústavní, Bohnice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Okořská | K Ládví 344/4, Čimice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mníšek pod Brdy | Náměstí F.X.Svobody, Mníšek pod Brdy |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Tehovičky | Mírová, Kolovraty, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Satalice | K Radonicům, Satalice, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Květnice | Na Květnici, Nusle (recepce hotelu), Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zentiva | U Kabelovny, Dolní Měcholupy (objekt Zentivy), Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
U Střediska | Dolnoměcholupská 168/37, Dolní Měcholupy, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Dolní Břežany, náměstí | Pražská, Dolní Břežany, Dolní Břežany - Praha západ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Koh-i-noor | Vršovická 51, Vršovice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
U Památníku | Husitská, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Čestlice, Albert hypermarket | Obchodní, Čestlice - Praha východ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Lipence | K Obci 47, Lipence (městský úřad), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Obchodní centrum Zličín | Skandinávská 141, Zličín, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Řepy | Makovského, Řepy, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ruzyně Modrá ubytovna | K Letišti 916, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-19:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ruzyně vojenská ubytovna | U Prioru 938/6, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-19:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ďáblice | Ďáblická 339/14, Ďáblice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Lysá nad Labem ČD | nádraží, Lysá nad Labem - Praha východ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Újezd nad Lesy | Starokolínská, Újezd nad Lesy, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Radotín | Vrážská, Radotín, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vršovice ČD | Vršovice (nádraží), Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Centrum Zahradní Město | Topolová, Zahradní Město, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Městský úřad Neratovice | Kojetická 1028, Neratovice, Neratovice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Rudná, U kina | Masarykova, Rudná, Rudná - Praha západ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Cílkova | Zdislavická 583, Modřany (Jasná), Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Milovice ČD | Nádražní, nádraží, Milovice - Praha východ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Smržovská | Slavětínská, Klánovice, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Štěpničná | Střelničná 1347/47, Ďáblice (prodejna), Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vinořský hřbitov | Mladoboleslavská 162, Vinoř, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černínova | Koněvova 738/55, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Říčany, náměstí | Masarykovo náměstí, Říčany - Praha východ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kubánské náměstí | Kubánské náměstí 92, Vršovice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Bakovská | Bakovská, Kbely, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Uhříněves | Nové náměstí 1257/8, Uhříněves, Praha 22 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kbely | Mladoboleslavská 565, Kbely, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kostelec nad Černými lesy, nám. | Náměstí Smiřických, Kostelec nad Černými lesy |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mělník, autobusové stanoviště | Autobusové nádraží, Mělník |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Roztoky ČD | nádraží, Roztoky u Prahy |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hostivice ČD | nádraží, Hostivice - Praha západ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Chodovská | U Plynárny, Michle, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Na Padesátém | Průběžná, Strašnice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černošice ČD | Radotínská, Černošice - Praha západ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Úvaly ČD | nádraží, Úvaly - Praha východ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Gercenova | Plukovníka Mráze, Hostivař, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Český Brod ČD | nádraží, Český Brod |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hostivice | Českoslov.armády 17, Hostivice - Praha západ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Orionka | Korunní 110, Vinohrady, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Čelákovice ČD | nádraží, Čelákovice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Stránčice ČD II | nádraží, Stránčice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Fortuna West | Mrkvičkova 2, Řepy, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Na Vartě | Milánská 311, Horní Měcholupy, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kladno autobusové nádraží | Dukelských hrdinů, Kladno |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Pečky ČD | nádraží, Pečky |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Libčice ČD | nádraží, Libčice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kralupy nad Vltavou ČD | nádraží, Kralupy nad Vltavou |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Dobřichovice ČD | nádraží, Dobřichovice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Řevnice ČD | nádraží, Řevnice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zadní Třebáň ČD | nádraží, Zadní Třebáň |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Karlštejn ČD | nádraží, Karlštejn |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Beroun ČD | nádraží, Beroun |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Říčany ČD | nádraží, Říčany |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mnichovice ČD | nádraží, Mnichovice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Senohraby ČD | nádraží, Senohraby |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mirošovice ČD | nádraží, Mirošovice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Don Giovani | Želivského, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mělník, U Hřiště | Pražská, Mělník |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Poříčany ČD | nádraží, Poříčany |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černošice - Mokropsy ČD | Nádražní, nádraží, Černošice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Škola Radlice | Radlická 140, Radlice, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Laurová | Radlická 65, Radlice, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Radlická | Radlická, Radlice (konečná tramvají), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Radotín | Sídliště 19, Sídliště Radotín, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Obchodní centrum Štěrboholy | Nákupní, Štěrboholy, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Tupolevova | Tupolevova, Letňany (parkoviště), Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kunratice | Nám. Prezidenta Masaryka 109, Kunratice, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Libeř Libeň Oáza | Libeň 47, Libeň (camp Oáza), Dolní Břežany - Praha západ |
Mo-Su: 8:00-21:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mostecká | Mostecká 53/4, Malá Strana, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-19:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Fakulta TVS | José Martího 31, Veleslavín (recepce), Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-19:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černokostelecká | Černokostelecká, Strašnice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vysočany ČD | Vysočany (nádraží), Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vozovna Strašnice | Starostrašnická, Strašnice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Anděl Knížecí | Ostrovského, Smíchov, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Milovice ČD | Nádražní, nádraží, Milovice - Praha východ |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zelená | Jugoslávských partyzánů, Dejvice, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Radotín za nádražím | nádraží, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Mama Shelter Prague (Parkhotel) | Veletržní 20, Holešovice (recepce hotelu), Praha 7 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nemocnice Na Homolce | Roentgenova, Motol (recepce nemocnice), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Koleje Volha | K Verneráku 950, Kunratice, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-22:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kudrnova | V Úvalu, Motol (vrátnice FNM), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Malostranské nám.- Parlament ČR | Malostranské náměstí, Malá Strana, Praha 1 |
Mo-Fr: 8:00-16:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Krystal | José Martího 2/407, Veleslavín, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
A&O Prag Rhea | V Úžlabině 3068/19, Strašnice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Golf | Plzeňská 103/215A, Motol, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Říčany ČD | nádraží, Říčany u Prahy |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hotel Step | Malletova 1141, Vysočany, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 8:00-19:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kloboučnická | Kloboučnická, Nusle, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Komořany | Kyslíková, Komořany, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Barrandov | Werichova, Barrandov (konečná), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Poliklinika Barrandov | Tréglova, Barrandov (z centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Poliklinika Barrandov | Tréglova, Barrandov (do centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Chaplinovo náměstí | Chaplinovo náměstí, Barrandov (z centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Chaplinovo náměstí | Chaplinovo náměstí, Barrandov (do centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
K Barrandovu | K Barrandovu, Barrandov (z centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
K Barrandovu | K Barrandovu, Barrandov (do centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Geologická | K Barrandovu, Barrandov (z centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Geologická | K Barrandovu, Barrandov (do centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlubočepy | Hlubočepská, Barrandov (z centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlubočepy | Hlubočepská, Barrandov (do centra), Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Štěpařská | Štěpařská, Barrandov, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Podolská vodárna | Podolské nábřeží 16, Podolí, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Libeň ČD | Českomoravská 24, Libeň nádraží, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
I. P. Pavlova | Bělehradská 87, Vinohrady, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Bílá Hora | Karlovarská, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Podbaba | Jugoslávských partyzánů, Dejvice, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Albertov | Na Slupi, Nové Město, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Libuš | Generála Šišky, Libuš, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Libuš | Novodvorská, Libuš, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Hostivař | Plukovníka Mráze, Hostivař, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Pohořelec | Keplerova, Hradčany, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Družná | Československého exilu, Modřany, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Petřiny | Na Petřinách 91, Petřiny, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Řepy Slánská | Makovského, Řepy, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Malostranské náměstí | Malostranské náměstí, Malá Strana, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Divoká Šárka | Evropská, Liboc, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Spojovací | Spojovací, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Braník | Pikovická, Braník, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Dvorce | Podolské nábřeží, Podolí, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Blatiny | Makovského, Řepy, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Slivenec | Ke Smíchovu 22, Slivenec, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zemědělská univerzita | Kamýcká, Suchdol, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zoologická zahrada | U Trojského zámku, Troja, Praha 7 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Obchodní centrum Sárská (Globus Zličín) | Sárská, Třebonice, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vojenská nemocnice | Na Petřinách, Břevnov, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vozovna Kobylisy | Klapkova, Kobylisy, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Prosek | Vysočanská, Prosek, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ortenovo náměstí | Ortenovo náměstí, Holešovice, Praha 7 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zahradní Město z centra (pod nádražím) | Průběžná, Zahradní Město, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vozovna Střešovice | Patočkova, Střešovice, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zahradní Město do centra (pod nádražím) | Průběžná, Zahradní Město, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Obchodní centrum Hostivař | Švehlova, Zahradní Město, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zbraslavské náměstí | Zbraslavské náměstí, Zbraslav, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Klánovice ČD | Klánovice nádraží, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Horní Počernice ČD | Horní Počernice nádraží, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Masarykovo nádraží | Havlíčkova, Nové Město, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Marjánka | Bělohorská 33, Břevnov, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kotlářka | Plzeňská, Košíře, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Michelská | U Plynárny 11, Michle, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Balabenka | Náměstí Na Balabence, Libeň, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Myslíkova | Myslíkova 27, Nové Město, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ohrada | Koněvova 114, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kavalírka | Plzeňská 189, Košíře, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Čakovice | Vojáčkova, Čakovice, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kajetánka | Patočkova 51, Břevnov, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Olšanské náměstí | Táboritská 24, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Klamovka | Plzeňská 129b, Košíře, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
U Matěje | Šárecká, Dejvice, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Lhotka | Lhotecká, Kamýk, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Řevnice ČD | nádraží, Řevnice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Jílovská | Novodvorská, Lhotka, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Náměstí Bratří Synků | Náměstí Bratří Synků, Nusle, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Pavelkova | Československého exilu, Modřany, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Bulovka | Budínova 2, Libeň, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Švandovo divadlo | Štefánikova, Smíchov, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
U Zvonu | Plzeňská, Košíře, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nemocnice Krč | Vídeňská, Krč, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Divadlo Gong | Sokolovská, Libeň, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Poliklinika Vysočany | Sokolovská, Vysočany, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Habrová | Habrová, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Lipanská | Seifertova 46, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Viktoria Žižkov (Husinecká) | Seifertova 47, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Malvazinky | Peroutkova, Smíchov, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Plaňanská | Počernická, Malešice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Bohemians | Vršovická 44, Vršovice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Lehovec | Poděbradská, Hloubětín, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ratibořická | Jívanská, Horní Počernice, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Bohnice | Zhořelecká, Bohnice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Odra | Lodžská, Bohnice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Koleje Strahov | Vaníčkova, Břevnov, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Červený Vrch | Evropská 109, Vokovice, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Červený Vrch | Evropská, Vokovice, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Krakov | Lodžská, Bohnice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Poliklinika Mazurská | Mazurská, Bohnice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Čimice | Čimická, Čimice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Čimice | Čimická, Čimice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Řepínská | Čimická, Čimice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Podhajská pole | Čimická, Bohnice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Městský archiv | Blažimská, Chodov, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vozovna Žižkov | Koněvova, Žižkov, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Ďáblice | Ďáblická, Ďáblice, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlušičkova | Plzeňská 265, Řepy, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Sídliště Malešice | Počernická, Malešice, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlavní | Hlavní, Spořilov, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Obchodní náměstí | Obchodní náměstí, Modřany, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Otakarova | Otakarova, Nusle, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Stránčice ČD | nádraží, Stránčice |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Halenkovská | Hrozenkovská, Zličín, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Palackého náměstí | Palackého náměstí, Nové Město, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Moráň | Karlovo náměstí, Nové Město, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlavní nádraží | Bolzanova, Nové Město, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 2 | Hala, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 2 | Zastávka autobusů do centra, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 1 | Zastávka autobusů do centra, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 1 | Zastávka autobusů do centra, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Quinn Hotels Praha (Hilton) | Pobřežní 311/1, Karlín, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 3 | Hala, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 1 | Vchod D, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letiště VH Praha, Terminál 1 | Vchod E, Ruzyně, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Benešov, autobusové nádraží | Nádražní, Benešov, Benešov |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nemocnice Motol | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Petřiny | Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Petřiny | Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Veleslavín | Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Bořislavka | Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Bořislavka | Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Dejvická | vestibul Evropská, Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Dejvická | vestibul Vítězné náměstí, Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hradčanská | Stanice metra, Praha 6 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Malostranská | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Staroměstská | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Můstek A (historický) | vestibul Můstek, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Můstek | vestibul Můstek, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Můstek | výtah, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Můstek | vestibul Václavské náměstí, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Václavské náměstí | Vodičkova 41, Nové Město, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Muzeum | vstup C, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Muzeum | vstup A, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Muzeum | nástupiště výtah C, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Muzeum | nástupiště výtah A, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Náměstí Míru | Stanice metra, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Jiřího z Poděbrad | Stanice metra, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Flora | Stanice metra, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Želivského | Stanice metra, Praha 3 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Strašnická | Stanice metra, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Skalka | Stanice metra, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Depo Hostivař | Stanice metra, Praha 10 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Zličín | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Stodůlky východ | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Stodůlky západ | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Luka | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Lužiny | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hůrka | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nové Butovice | západní vestibul, Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nové Butovice | východní vestibul, Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Jinonice | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Radlická | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Smíchovské nádraží | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Smíchovské nádraží | Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Anděl Na Knížecí | vestibul Na Knížecí, Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Anděl tramvaj | Nádražní, Smíchov, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Anděl | výtah, Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Anděl | vestibul U Anděla, Stanice metra, Praha 5 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Karlovo náměstí | vestibul Palackého náměstí, Stanice metra, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Karlovo náměstí výtah | výtah, Stanice metra, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Karlovo náměstí | vestibul Karlovo náměstí, Stanice metra, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
U Nemocnice | U Nemocnice, Nové Město (recepce VFN), Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Národní třída | stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Můstek | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Náměstí Republiky | Kotva, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Náměstí Republiky Střed | Střed, Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Křižíkova | Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Invalidovna | Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Palmovka | vestibul Palmovka, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Palmovka | vestibul Na Žertvách, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Českomoravská | vestibul Aréna, Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Českomoravská | vestibul Drahobejlova, Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vysočanská | vestibul Nádraží Vysočany, Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vysočanská | vestibul Vysočanská, Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kolbenova | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hloubětín | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Rajská zahrada | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černý Most | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černý Most | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Černý Most BUS | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Háje | východní vestibul, Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Háje | západní vestibul, Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Opatov | Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Opatov | Chilská, Opatov, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Chodov | Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Roztyly | Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kačerov | Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Budějovická | vestibul Antala Staška, Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Budějovická | vestibul Olbrachtova, Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Pankrác | Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Pražského povstání | Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vyšehrad | z centra, Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vyšehrad | do centra, Stanice metra, Praha 4 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
I.P. Pavlova | Stanice metra, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
I.P. Pavlova | výtah, Legerova, Stanice metra, Praha 2 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlavní nádraží | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlavní nádraží | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlavní nádraží | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Hlavní nádraží | Stanice metra, Praha 1 |
Mo-Su: 0:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Florenc | vestibul Sokolovská C, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Florenc | vestibul Sokolovská B, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Florenc výtah | výtah, Florenc B, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Vltavská | Stanice metra, Praha 7 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Holešovice | jižní vestibul bus, Stanice metra, Praha 7 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Nádraží Holešovice | severní vestibul nádraží, Stanice metra, Praha 7 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kobylisy | Kobyliské náměstí, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kobylisy | Katastrální úřad, Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Kobylisy | výtah, Stanice metra (výtah), Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Ládví | Stanice metra, Praha 8 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Střížkov | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Prosek | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letňany | Stanice metra, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Letňany P+R | Parkoviště P+R, Praha 9 |
Mo-Su: 5:00-24:00 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Ticket machines | ||
Benešov u Prahy |
Mo-Sa: 05:35-21:35 Su: 06:05-21:35 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455106 | Train stations | ||
Beroun |
Mo-Su: 00:00-00:35, 03:35-24:00 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5473074 | Train stations | ||
Blatná |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-10:05, 10:35-12:10, 12:40-17:15 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5474722 | Train stations | ||
Brandýs nad Labem |
Mo-Fr: 06:30-11:15, 11:45-14:30 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454646 | Train stations | ||
Čáslav |
Mo-Th: 05:25-09:15, 09:45-17:15 (Lítačka 08:00 Fr: 05:35-09:15, 09:45-17:15 (Lítačka 08:00 Sa: 05:40-09:15, 09:45-15:00 (Lítačka 08:00 Su: 07:15-09:15, 09:45-17:35 (Lítačka 08:00 |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454044 | Train stations | ||
Čelákovice |
Mo-Fr: 05:10-10:35, 11:05-16:40 Sa-Su: 06:40-10:35, 11:05-17:10 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454776 | Train stations | ||
Čerčany |
Mo-Fr: 05:55-12:20, 12:50-17:50 Sa: 05:55-11:45, 12:30-17:50 Su: 06:50-11:45, 12:30-17:55 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455046 | Train stations | ||
Černošice |
Mo-Fr: 05:32-16:55 Sa: 06:32-17:45 Su: 07:32-17:46 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453266 | Train stations | ||
Český Brod |
Mo-Fr: 05:05-09:20, 09:50-16:45 (Lítačka 08:00 Sa: 07:00-10:50, 11:20-17:10 (Lítačka 08:00 Su: 07:55-11:50, 12:20-17:55 (Lítačka 08:00 |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453066 | Train stations | ||
Dobřichovice |
Mo-Fr: 06:08-17:38 Sa: 07:23-17:38 Su: 07:24-18:08 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453226 | Train stations | ||
Golčův Jeníkov město |
Mo-Fr: 05:25-10:40, 11:10-16:50 Sa: 06:25-11:30, 12:00-15:50 Su: 08:25-11:30, 12:00-19:50 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454093 | Train stations | ||
Hněvice |
Mo-Fr: 05:40-09:40, 10:00-10:55, 11:25-16:40 Sa-Su: 06:10-09:40, 10:00-10:55, 11:25-16:40 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454287 | Train stations | ||
Hořovice |
Mo-Fr: 04:25-20:10 Sa-Su: 05:00-20:10 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5473134 | Train stations | ||
Hostivice |
Mo-Fr: 06:00-11:30, 12:00-13:50 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453656 | Train stations | ||
Chlumec nad Cidlinou |
Mo-Fr: 05:15-10:45, 11:15-12:40, 13:10-17:45 Sa: 07:15-10:45, 11:15-12:40, 13:10-18:35 Su: 08:15-12:40, 13:10-15:40, 16:10-19:35 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453050 | Train stations | ||
Chvaletice |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-08:10, 09:45-12:10, 12:40-16:10 Sa: 05:50-08:10, 09:45-12:10, 12:40-16:10 Su: 07:40-10:10, 11:45-14:15, 14:45-18:10 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453503 | Train stations | ||
Jičín |
Mo-Fr: 05:10-10:45, 11:15-14:45, 15:15-17:50 Sa-Su: 07:25-12:45, 13:15-17:50 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455420 | Train stations | ||
Karlštejn |
Mo-Fr: 06:14-11:58, 12:28-17:28 Sa: 07:45-19:28 Su: 07:46-18:58 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453186 | Train stations | ||
Kolín |
Mo-Fr: 00:00-00:55, 03:20-24:00 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) Sa: 00:00-00:55, 03:40-24:00 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) Su: 00:00-01:00, 03:40-24:00 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453414 | Train stations | ||
Kolín zastávka |
Mo-Fr: 05:15-10:40, 11:10-17:10 Sa: 07:15-11:40, 12:10-15:30 Su: 08:15-11:40, 12:10-17:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453424 | Train stations | ||
Kostomlaty nad Labem |
Mo-Fr: 05:35-13:15 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453134 | Train stations | ||
Kralupy nad Vltavou |
Mo-Su: 05:25-20:25 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454396 | Train stations | ||
Kutná Hora hlavní nádraží |
Mo-Fr: 05:50-09:05, 09:35-17:30 Sa: 06:45-09:05, 09:35-16:45 Su: 08:45-09:05, 09:35-18:45 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454014 | Train stations | ||
Kutná Hora město |
Mo-Fr: 05:35-09:40, 10:10-10:50, 11:50-17:15 Sa: 06:35-11:45, 12:15-16:55 Su: 09:00-11:45, 12:15-18:50 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5456346 | Train stations | ||
Ledeč nad Sázavou |
Mo-Fr: 05:35-10:45, 11:15-13:15 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5456195 | Train stations | ||
Lysá nad Labem |
Mo-Fr: 05:05-21:20 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) Sa: 06:10-18:50 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) Su: 06:40-21:15 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453114 | Train stations | ||
Mělník |
Mo-Fr: 04:55-10:15, 11:00-17:10 (Lítačka 08:00 Sa: 06:45-10:15, 10:45-15:10 (Lítačka 08:00 Su: 08:45-12:15, 12:45-17:10 (Lítačka 09:00 |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453018 | Train stations | ||
Milovice |
Mo-Fr: 04:30-08:10, 08:30-11:20, 11:40-16:20 Sa: 05:40-15:25 Su: 07:40-17:25 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454414 | Train stations | ||
Mladá Boleslav hlavní nádraží |
Mo-Fr: 05:10-16:45 Sa: 06:05-11:00, 11:30-16:00 Su: 07:35-11:00, 11:30-17:45 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454451 | Train stations | ||
Mladá Boleslav město |
Mo-Fr: 06:00-10:30, 11:00-11:45, 12:10-17:35 Sa: 06:00-09:35, 09:55-12:30, 12:55-15:35 Su: 07:00-09:35, 09:55-12:30, 12:55-17:35 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455991 | Train stations | ||
Mnichovice |
Mo-Fr: 05:05-16:30 Sa: 06:05-17:30 Su: 07:40-18:00 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455016 | Train stations | ||
Mnichovo Hradiště |
Mo-Fr: 06:00-11:05, 11:35-13:45 Sa: Closed Su: 07:30-11:05, 11:35-15:15 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454351 | Train stations | ||
Neratovice |
Mo-Fr: 05:15-10:40, 11:10-17:00 Sa-Su: 06:20-10:40, 11:10-16:20 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454686 | Train stations | ||
Nymburk hlavní nádraží |
Mo-Fr: 04:50-21:30 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) Sa: 06:50-19:25 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) Su: 07:20-20:25 (Lítačka 08:00-17:00) |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453214 | Train stations | ||
Olbramovice |
Mo-Fr: 05:05-09:40, 10:10-13:40, 14:05-17:20 Sa: 06:00-09:40, 10:10-16:00 Su: 10:30-19:00 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455136 | Train stations | ||
Pečky |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-09:55, 10:25-13:45, 14:15-16:40 Sa: 06:00-10:10, 10:40-16:00 Su: 07:45-10:10, 10:40-17:55 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453116 | Train stations | ||
Poděbrady |
Mo-Fr: 04:40-21:20 Sa: 06:35-19:35 Su: 06:55-19:35 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453234 | Train stations | ||
Poříčany |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-10:10, 10:40-12:45 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453096 | Train stations | ||
Praha hlavní nádraží |
Mo-Su: 00:00-00:40, 02:40-24:00 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457076 | Train stations | ||
Praha Masarykovo nádraží |
Mo-Su: 06:05-21:50 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457236 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Dejvice |
Mo-Su: 06:50-17:45 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457066 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Holešovice |
Mo-Fr: 06:20-18:10 Sa: 06:20-17:40 Su: 06:55-18:10 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457256 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Horní Počernice |
Mo-Su: 06:55-17:55 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454826 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Hostivař |
Mo-Su: 06:25-17:40 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457096 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Klánovice |
Mo-Fr: 05:50-11:30, 12:00-17:15 Sa: 06:50-11:30, 12:15-17:15 Su: 07:50-11:30, 12:15-17:35 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453056 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Libeň |
Mo-Su: 05:50-20:50 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457176 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Radotín |
Mo-Fr: 06:04-17:44 Sa: 06:36-17:21 Su: 07:36-17:21 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453256 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Smíchov |
Mo-Su: 06:00-22:15 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457226 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Uhříněves |
Mo-Su: 06:25-17:40 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454956 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Veleslavín |
Mo-Fr: 07:05-11:00, 11:30-19:20 Sa-Su: 08:05-11:00, 11:30-16:50 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457266 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Vršovice |
Mo-Su: 05:50-21:05 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457276 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Vysočany |
Mo-Fr: 05:50-11:00, 11:30-13:30, 13:55-21:10 Sa-Su: 07:00-11:00, 11:30-13:30, 14:00-19:00 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457316 | Train stations | ||
Praha-Zahradní Město |
Mo-Sa: 06:15-10:20, 10:50-17:40 Su: 07:40-10:20, 10:50-17:40 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5457279 | Train stations | ||
Přelouč |
Mo-Fr: 04:25-21:10 Sa: 04:55-15:05, 15:35-21:25 Su: 04:55-21:10 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453513 | Train stations | ||
Příbram |
Mo-Su: 06:00-11:05, 11:35-17:10 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5476904 | Train stations | ||
Rakovník |
Mo-Su: 04:55-19:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5476094 | Train stations | ||
Roudnice nad Labem |
Mo-Fr: 04:55-21:30 Sa-Su: 05:55-21:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454257 | Train stations | ||
Roztoky u Prahy |
Mo-Fr: 05:45-10:20, 10:50-13:35 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454466 | Train stations | ||
Řečany nad Labem |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-11:00, 11:30-16:15 Sa: 07:45-10:45, 11:30-16:15 Su: 11:45-14:15, 14:45-18:55 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453483 | Train stations | ||
Řevnice |
Mo-Fr: 05:53-17:21 Sa: 07:21-18:04 Su: 07:52-18:04 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453216 | Train stations | ||
Říčany |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-21:00 Sa: 05:00-20:00 Su: 07:00-20:00 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454986 | Train stations | ||
Sázava |
Mo-Fr: 05:25-07:40, 08:00-10:30, 11:00-12:30, 13:00-17:10 Sa: 07:10-12:30, 13:00-14:00, 14:30-18:15 Su: 07:40-12:30, 13:00-14:00, 14:30-18:15 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455966 | Train stations | ||
Sedlčany |
Mo-Th: 06:10-09:10, 09:40-11:15, 12:25-15:45 Fr-Sa: Closed Su: 10:00-11:30, 12:30-15:30, 16:05-18:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455176 | Train stations | ||
Senohraby |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-16:45 Sa: 07:00-16:45 Su: 08:00-17:45 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455026 | Train stations | ||
Slaný |
Mo-Fr: 05:10-10:45, 11:15-17:30 Sa-Su: 05:40-10:00, 10:30-17:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453806 | Train stations | ||
Strančice |
Mo-Sa: 06:10-17:25 (Lítačka 08:00-16:30) Su: 06:40-17:25 (Lítačka 08:00-16:30) |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455006 | Train stations | ||
Světlá nad Sázavou |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-08:30, 09:00-20:50 Sa: 05:00-11:00, 11:30-20:50 Su: 06:00-11:00, 11:30-21:20 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454133 | Train stations | ||
Týnec nad Sázavou |
Mo-Fr: 06:15-11:15, 11:45-14:15 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455786 | Train stations | ||
Úvaly |
Mo-Fr: 05:10-09:25, 09:55-16:50 Sa: 06:25-09:40, 10:10-16:30 Su: 07:25-09:40, 10:10-17:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453046 | Train stations | ||
Velký Osek |
Mo-Fr: 05:35-09:45, 10:25-13:45, 14:05-17:10 Sa: 06:00-09:40, 10:10-15:25 Su: 05:50-09:40, 10:10-13:40, 14:10-17:25 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453314 | Train stations | ||
Velvary |
Mo-Fr: 06:00-11:15, 11:45-13:50 Sa-Su: Closed |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5454566 | Train stations | ||
Vlašim |
Mo-Fr: 05:40-10:00, 10:30-17:40 (Lítačka 08:00 Sa: 07:30-10:45, 11:15-17:30 (Lítačka 08:00 Su: 09:30-12:45, 13:15-18:30 (Lítačka 09:40 |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455356 | Train stations | ||
Vrané nad Vltavou |
Mo-Fr: 05:20-11:40, 12:10-17:02 Sa: 06:50-12:40, 13:10-16:35 Su: 07:50-12:40, 13:10-18:05 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5455546 | Train stations | ||
Všetaty |
Mo-Fr: 04:40-13:30, 14:00-16:30 Sa: 06:50-11:45, 12:15-16:30 Su: 08:35-12:50, 13:10-16:45, 17:10-18:30 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453014 | Train stations | ||
Zadní Třebaň |
Mo-Fr: 05:48-11:55, 12:25-17:31 Sa: 07:18-18:01 Su: 08:19-17:31 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5453206 | Train stations | ||
Zdice |
Mo-Su: 05:55-11:15, 12:15-17:45 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5473104 | Train stations | ||
Zruč nad Sázavou |
Mo-Fr: 05:00-09:30, 10:00-16:35 Sa: 06:55-11:45, 12:15-17:00 Su: 09:00-11:45, 12:15-19:20 |
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
https://www.cd.cz/stanice/5456136 | Train stations | ||
Anděl | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru ul. Plzeňská (severní vestibul) |
Mo-Su: 7:00-21:00 |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Hlavní nádraží 1 | Odbavovací hala nádraží u vstupu do metra (severní vstup) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-22:00 Sa-Su: 7:00-21:00 |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Hlavní nádraží 2 | Odbavovací hala nádraží u vstupu do metra (jižní vstup) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-22:00 Sa-Su: 7:00-21:00 |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Hradčanská | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-20:00 Sa: 9:30-17:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Letiště Václava Havla Praha, Terminál 1 | Příletová hala Terminálu 1 na letišti Václava Havla Praha |
Mo-Su: 7:00-21:00 |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Letiště Václava Havla Praha, Terminál 2 | Příletová hala Terminálu 2 na letišti Václava Havla Praha |
Mo-Su: 7:00-21:00 |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Magistrát hl. m. Prahy (DPP) | Jungmannova 29, Praha 1, přízemí budovy Magistrátu (Škodův palác) |
Mo-Th: 8:00-18:00 Fr: 8:00-16:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Můstek | vestibul stanice Můstek (metro linka A, popř. B), u vstupu do přepravního prostoru |
Mo-Su: 7:00-21:00 |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Nádraží Veleslavín | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-20:00 Sa: 9:30-17:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Černý Most (PID) | V úrovni výstupních kolejí metra (jižní nástupiště), ve východní části stanice |
Mo-Sa: 8:00-12:30, 13:00-17:00 Su: Closed |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Zličín (PID) | Uliční úroveň u autobusového nádraží v obchodní vybavenosti |
Mo-Fr: 8:00-12:00, 12:30-17:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Electronic season tickets sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Hlavní nádraží (PID) | součást zákaznického ČD centra v hlavní odbavovací hale |
Mo-Su: 8:00-12:00, 12:30-18:30 |
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Mladá Boleslav (PID) | v čekárně terminálu Autobusového stanoviště (spolu s DP Mladá Boleslav) |
Mo-Fr: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-16:30 Sa-Su: Closed |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Kutná Hora (PID) | v čekárně terminálu Autobusového stanoviště |
Mo: 7:00-11:30, 12:30-17:00 Tu: 7:00-11:30, 12:30-15:00 We: 7:00-11:30, 12:30-17:00 Th: 7:00-11:30, 12:30-15:00 Fr: 7:00-12:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Rakovník (PID) | v terminálu Autobusového stanoviště u sloupku č. 18 |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:00, 12:30-16:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Benešov (PID) | v terminálu autobusového nádraží v ulici Nádražní č. 2426 |
Mo: 6:00-12:00, 12:30-15:15 Tu-Th: 6:00-12:00, 12:30-14:15 Fr: 6:00-12:00, 12:30-13:15 Sa-Su: Closed |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Příbram (PID) | v terminálu autobusového nádraží v ulici Čs. armády 7 |
Mo: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-17:30 Tu: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-16:30 We: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-17:30 Th: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-16:30 Fr: 8:00-13:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Magistrát hl. m. Prahy (OICT) | Jungmannova 35/29, Praha 1, přízemí budovy Magistrátu (Škodův palác) |
Mo: 10:00-18:00 Tu: 8:00-16:00 We: 10:00-18:00 Th-Fr: 8:00-16:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Information centers | ||
Nemocnice Motol | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Bořislavka | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Dejvická | Vestibul stanice metra (spojovací chodba nad nástupištěm) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Náměstí Míru | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Želivského | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Skalka | Uliční úroveň u bus zastávek směr Zahradní město (západní strana ulice Na Padesátém) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Zličín | Uliční úroveň u autobusového nádraží (severní strana) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Luka | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Smíchovské nádraží | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru autobusové nádraží (jižní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Karlovo náměstí | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru Karlovo náměstí |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Můstek - B | Vestibul stanice metra linky B |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Palmovka | Vestibul stanice mětra ve směru autobusové nádraží (východní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Vysočanská | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru ul. Freyova (východní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Černý Most | Uliční úroveň u nástupiště metra směr centrum (severní nástupiště) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Háje | Vestibul stanice mětra ve směru ul. Opatovská (východní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Nádraží Holešovice | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru ul. Plynární (jižní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Ládví | Vestibul stanice mětra ve směru ul. Opálkova (západní výstup) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Centrální dispečink DPP | Na Bojišti 5, Praha 2 |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Kobylisy | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru Kobyliské náměstí (západní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Kačerov | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Anděl (Na Knížecí) | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Florenc | Uliční úroveň u vchodu do stanice metro linky B (západní strana) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
I. P. Pavlova | Vestibul stanice metra |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Letňany | Vestibul stanice metra ve směru autobusové nádraží (východní vestibul) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Roztyly | Uliční úroveň u autobusového nádraží (severní strana) |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-12:45, 13:15-20:00 Sa: 9:00-16:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Chip card issue
Electronic season tickets sales
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Selling points at metro stations | ||
Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav | Informační kancelář dopravce ČSAD Střední Čechy |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-11:30, 12:00-18:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Transit operator offices | ||
Mělník | Informační kancelář dopravce ČSAD Střední Čechy |
Mo-Fr: 5:00-19:00 Sa: 8:00-12:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Paper season ticket sales
Short-term tickets
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Transit operator offices | ||
Kladno - autobusové nádraží | Informační kancelář ČSAD Kladno na autobusovém nádraží |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-18:00 Sa: 7:00-12:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Paper season ticket sales
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Transit operator offices | ||
Kladno - náměstí Svobody | Informační kancelář ČSAD Kladno na náměstí Svobody |
Mo-Fr: 6:00-18:00 Sa: 7:00-12:00 Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Paper season ticket sales
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Transit operator offices | ||
Kolín | Informační kancelář OAD Kolín |
Mo: 13:00-18:00 Tu: 10:00-14:00 We: 13:00-18:00 Th-Fr: 10:00-14:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
PID pass issue
Paper season ticket sales
Special pupil's fare authentication point
Payment options:
Transit operator offices | ||
Hořovice | Předprodejní kancelář města Hořovice na Palackého nám. 253/4 |
Mo: 8:00-12:00, 12:30-16:00 Tu: 8:00-12:00, 12:30-15:30 We: 8:00-12:00, 12:30-17:00 Th: 8:00-12:00, 12:30-15:30 Fr: 8:00-13:00 Sa-Su: Closed |
Electronic season tickets sales
Payment options:
Transit operator offices |