IMPORTANT: Public transport during COVID-19 outbreak

Naposledy aktualizováno: 27. 11. 2023 | Publikováno 20. 03. 2020

With regard to the Government declaration of a state of emergency and a nationwide quarantine and related measures (e.g. restriction of free movement of people outside of their homes and workplaces, prohibition of all public events and closing of all primary and secondary schools and universities) the following temporary measures are introduced in public transport:

It is obligatory that all passengers must cover their mouth and nose (it is possible to use a home-made mask or scarf) in all vehicles and on all stops and stations of public transport.   

Metro: operation maintained (with slightly longer intervals)

Trams: operation maintained (with slightly longer intervals), nostalgic line 23 not in operation

Urban buses: operation maintained (with slightly longer intervals, school lines (250 – 275) and the Airport Express line (AE) not in operation, some lines end operation already at 22:30)

Suburban and regional buses: operation maintained (with slightly longer intervals on some lines), school lines not in operation, some lines end operation already at 22:30

Trains: operation maintained, line S49 not in operation, some long distance and seasonal or nostalgic trains not in operation, weekend night trains from Prague at 2:30 not in operation (more information at or

Ferries: operation without restrictions

Funicular: out of operation

Furthermore, we kindly ask you to respect the following rules:

  1. Enter public transport only with covered nose and mouth
  2. Keep a safe distance from the others (on stops and in vehicles)
  3. Do not use the front doors to enter buses
  4. Touch the poles and handles as little as possible, if necessary, do it over your sleeve or use your forearm
  5. Do not use the door buttons, the drivers are obliged to open the doors
  6. If you sneeze, cover your mouth with your sleeve, not with your hand
  7. Use disposable tissues
  8. Use hand disinfection or wash your hands thoroughly with soap
  9. Reduce contact with other people (e.g. shaking hands)
  10. Travel only when necessary

Up-to-date information about timetables:


Information about ticket purchasing possibilities:

Thank you for your understanding