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Prague Integrated Transport - Tariff and Prices

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The fare

In Prague, seniors from 65 years of age can travel free of charge except for trains, if they prove their age appropriately.

In order to prove age, an ID card verified by its issuer (e.g. a school) that contains first and last name, date of birth and a photo can be used. National ID or passport can be used. If necessary, such card can be issued also by the transit operator.

The fare

Special fare for the age category Senior 65+ yo for travelling around Prague

Validity Price Remarks
from 65 years of age 0 CZK Not valid on trains.

In order to travel by PID trains for 0 CZK at least within Prague, seniors need to acquire one of the following passes:

  • PID pass "Senior" for 60 CZK
  • a chip card with the application Document for senior citizens 65 years old and older stating they are entitled to discounted fare for 60 CZK


See also

If you're going to travel outside Prague with PID, you could be interested in Short-term tickets between Prague and the outer region.

Although we try hard, the tariff information on this page may be simplified or outdated. The most accurate and up-to-date information are in The PID Tariff (in Czech only) and General Terms and Conditions in PID (in Czech only). Feel free to ask us via facebook or e-mail, or visit one of our information centres.